


Culture Religion

The Sacraments

It is important that you know whether you have Sanctifying Grace in your soul or not.  It is something you cannot afford to be uncertain about.  Grace, however, is absolutely spiritual.  You cannot feel it or experience it with any of the five senses.  A religious feeling does not indicate that presence of Sanctifying Grace in the soul.  Therefore, Jesus Christ had to give us some signs which would indicate that Grace is going into the soul.  He had to give us signs that we could see, feel, hear or experience with some of the five senses. As a matter of fact, He gave us seven such signs by which we could know that we are receiving Grace. These signs are the seven Sacraments.

The Sacraments are another indication of how much God loves you and how interested He is in you.  In studying the Sacraments, you will realize keenly how much non-Catholics have missed in life, as the wonders of God's loving care are unfolded before your eyes.


"Sirs, what must I do to be saved?"
They replied, "Believe in the Lord Jesus, and you will be saved--you and your household."
Acts 16:30-31

Part 1: The Life of a Christian on Earth
From the Gospel of  St. John:

Chapter 2: Your Life on Earth: A Wedding Feast! - The Cana Weeding Feast (John 2)

Chapter 3: How to Live this Life: Born Again, by the Holy spirit, by faith (John 3)

Chapter 4: For Whom is this Life: The Samaritan Woman... the Nobleman (John 4)

Chapter 5: Co-redeemers, Mediators.- The cripple man walks (John 5)

Chapter 6: The Sermon of the "Bread of Life", Our Daily Bread (John 6).

Chapter 7: Prophecy of the Holy Spirit: The 7 Pentecost, the 7 Miracles, the 7 Treasures... (John.7)

Chapter 8: What to do when we loose the Life- SIN, the Adulterous Woman (John 8)

Chapter 9: The Hymn of the Word:Jesus is God (John 1)

Chapter 10: The Church of Christ: The Good Shepherd (John 10).

Chapter 11: Death, Resurrection, Eternal Life: The Resurrection of Lazarus (John 11).

Chapter 12: The Messiah, 300 Prophecies: Triumphal entry of Jesus in Jerusalem (John 12)

Chapter 13: The Sermon of the Last Supper: The Washing of the Feet (John 13-17)


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3) RECONCILING After the exchange with the priest, you turn once again to prayer. You will tell God that you are sorry for your sins—this may be a prayer that you know by heart or you may pray in your own words. Or you may find the Our Father an appropriate act of contrition. The priest then prays the prayer of absolution. If you are not separated by a screen, he may place his hands on your head in the biblical gesture of healing and invocation.

The words of absolution are not merely a legal formula. They are the very heart of the sacrament. While our sins disrupt and rupture the beauty and harmony of creation, God our merciful Father has restored this harmony by the paschal victory of Christ. This restoration and reconciliation give name to the sacrament: Reconciliation. In the Sacrament of Reconciliation the Holy Spirit is sent among us "for the forgiveness of sins." The fruits of forgiveness and reconciliation are "pardon and peace." We receive these gifts of the Holy Spirit "through the ministry of the Church" and the ministry of the priest who is ordained to speak in the name of the Spirit-filled Church:

"God, the Father of mercies,/ through the death and resurrection of his Son/ has reconciled the world to himself/ and sent the Holy Spirit among us/ for the forgiveness of sins;/ through the ministry of the Church/ may God give you pardon and peace,/ and I absolve you from your sins/ in the name of the Father, and of the Son,/ and of the Holy Spirit./

(And the penitent answers) Amen."

The individual rite closes very simply. The priest says: "The Lord has freed you from your sins. Go in peace," or: "Go in peace and God bless you" or some similar words of dismissal. You respond: "Amen," or "Thank you, Father."

When you compare this way of celebrating the sacrament with the way Catholics "went to confession" decades ago, not much seems to have changed, at least externally. We do now basically what we did then. But the primary focus of the rite has changed. As in all acts of worship, the focus of the Sacrament of Reconciliation is on God and what God does. The focus of confession was often on me and my sinfulness. Even in naming the sacrament we have moved from "confession" (what we do) to "reconciliation" (what God does).

the seven sacrament above is Scott Hahn text,check it out click on The Seven Sacrament.

Frequently Asked Questions

Click on the question of your choice to be taken to the answer.

Q. 1. Where do I find in the Holy Bible the reference to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit?

A. Through its Catechism, the Catholic Church teaches that:

"'Whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit never has forgivness, but is guilty of an eternal sin.' [Mk. 3:29; Mt. 12:32; Lk. 12:10] There are no limits to the mercy of God, but anyone who deliberately refuses to accept his mercy by repenting, rejects the forgiveness of his sins and the salvation offered by the Holy Spirit. [John Paul II, DeV 46] Such hardness of heart can lead to final impenitence and eternal loss."

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Q. 2. More specifically, what sins offend the Holy Spirit?

A. There are six sins that offend the Holy Spirit. These are:

(1) Despair,

"By despair, man ceases to hope for his personal salvation from God, for help in attaining it or for the forgiveness of his sins. Despair is contrary to God's goodness, to his justice - for the Lord is faithful to his promises - and to his mercy." (C.C.C. # 2091)

(2) Presumption of God's mercy,

"There are two kinds of presumption. Either man presumes upon his own capacities, (hoping to be able to save himself without help from on high), or he presumes upon God's almighty power or his mercy (hoping to obtain his forgiveness without conversion and glory without merit)." (C.C.C. # 2092)

(3) Impugning the known truth,

(Clarification: To "impugn" the known truth means to attack it by word or argument, to resist it, to contradict it, or even to oppose the known truth or to challenge it as false.)

(4) Envy the spiritual good of another,

(Clarification: Regarding the gifts of the Holy Spirit, the First Letter of Paul to the Corinthians states, "All these are activated by one and the same Spirit, who allots to each one individually as the Spirit chooses." To envy the spiritual good of another is to question the Divine judgment of the Holy Spirit in His distribution of spiritual gifts. It is to be jealous of another person who has a gift different than one's own gift. Through envy, one rejects the gift that he has received from the Holy Spirit, determining in his own mind that the gift he has received is not good enough for him and he wants someone else's gift.)

(5) Obstinacy in sin,

(Clarification: To be "obstinate" means to resist the sanctifying power of the Holy Spirit, to be stubborn, to persist in sin, to be unyielding.)

(6) Final impenitence.

(Clarification: "Impenitence" means to be uncontrite, unrepentant, hardened, unconverted, to be without regret, shame or remorse.)

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Q. 3. Where do I find in the Holy Bible the reference to blaspheme against the Holy Spirit?

A. All of the following passages make reference to it:

"Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven, but whoever speaks against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven, either in this age or in the age to come." [Mt. 12:32]

"But whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit can never have forgiveness, but is guilty of an eternal sin." [Mk. 3:29]

"And everyone who speaks a word against the Son of Man will be forgiven; but whoever blasphemes against the Holy Spirit will not be forgiven." [Lk. 12:10]

What to do if we loose the Life in Christ

SIN: The Adulterous Woman      We are all sinners  

When we are in Sin, we are Children of the Devil

The Solution of God to Sin: The Lamb of God!

What are the Worst Sins?     What to do when we Sin?

Conditions for a good Confession of Sins This is taken from Dr. Dominguez Web Site.

WE ARE NOTHING IN OURSELVES Temptation is necessary to us to make us realize that we are nothing in ourselves. St. Augustine tells us that we should thank God as much for the sins from which He has preserved us as for those which He has had the charity to forgive us. If we have the misfortune to fall so often into the snares of the Devil, we set ourselves up again too much on the strength of our own resolutions and promises and too little upon the strength of God. This is very true..~click here~

What is the teaching of the Holy Roman Catholic Church?  





What is the true Origin of Marriage?


What is the importance of Family in Society?


What was the role of Our Lord Jesus Christ in the Restoration of Marriage?


What have the Apostles taught us about Christ's intentions on Marriage?


As regards Marriage, what is the infallible teaching of the Council of Trent and its consequences in Natural Law?


What about the objection saying that the Perpetuity and Indissolubility of the Matrimonial Bond originated in Church Discipline?


What is the Foundation and what are the Consequences of the Divine Institution of Marriage?


More precisely, what is the Catholic Doctrine on the Indissolubility of Marriage?


What are the Fruits of this Indissolubility?


What is the dignity of Marriage and what are its Consequences for Social Life?


What is the Competence of the Catholic Church in relation to Marriage?


As a Consequence, how is Marriage to be considered in Christian Jurisprudence?


What has been the role of the Catholic Church in relation to Marriage and to the Family?


How should one feel after examining the role of the Catholic Church in favour of the Indissolubility of Marriage?


What difference is there, on the question of Marriage, between the Ecclesiastical Judicial Order and the Civil Judicial Order?


What is the Competence of the State on Marriage?


What authority has the Political Power on True Marriages?





What must Catholics know about Marriage?


Some People extol the Union of Men and Women outside Marriage.  Who are they?  


How do the Enemies of Marriage proceed to Destroy its Indissolubility?


What are the Evils of Divorce?


Compared with the Evils caused by Divorce, what are the Blessings resulting from Conjugal Indissolubility?


What does History teach us on the Legalisation of Divorce?


What Considerations can we make at the Study of Modern Societies where Divorce is Legal?


What about the modern habit of Marrying and Divorcing repeatedly?


Objection: Weren't the Jews of the Old Testament allowed to Repudiate their Wives?


Objection: Many Countries have accepted Divorce, therefore it should be allowed?


Can we not expect a Change from the Catholic Church as regards the Legal Freedom of Divorce?





Where does the Catholic Church stand on the issue of Declarations of Marriage Annulments?


What if the Convalidation of an Invalid Marriage is impossible?


What about Invalid Marriages?


Which passages of Sacred Scripture give the Guide-lines for Ecclesiastical Tribunals dealing with Marriage Cases?


What did Pope Benedict XIV have to say to Ecclesiastical Judges declaring Marriage Annulments too easily?


What is the Value of Divorces made by Human Laws?


Can a Man remarry if his Wife has left him?





Can Catholics accept Civil Marriage?


What should a Catholic Hierarchy do when Divorce is about to be Legalised?


What should a Catholic Hierarchy do when Divorce has been Legalised?


What are the duties of Rulers in relation to the Unity and the Perpetuity of Marriage?


What about those on whose Deliberations depends the Law on Divorce?


What fundamental Norms should Catholic Jurists keep in mind in Countries where Iniquitous Laws have been passed, especially Civil Divorce?


What should be said to those Spouses who feel the weight of the Law of the Indissolubility of Marriage?


What is allowed by the Church when Life in Common becomes Intolerable for Two Spouses?


CONCLUSION: What practical advice can be given to Families from all this Teaching?


The seven Sacraments are as follows:


Baptism, Confirmation, the Eucharist, Penance, Anointing of the Sick, Holy Orders, and Matrimony

~This Is From The Catholic Faith Web Site A Good Site~

John Chapter 3: Nicodemus

"Jesus answered and said to him, "Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above". Nicodemus said to him, "How can a person once grown old be born again? Surely he cannot reenter his mother's womb and be born again, can he?". Jesus answered, "Amen, amen, I say to you, no one can enter the kingdom of God without being born of water and Spirit." (John 3:3-5)

CATECHESIS ON THE SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE by Fr. Ronald M. Vierling, M.F.C., M.A., M.Div. click here for this site...God Bless